Carleton Cup
The Carleton Cup, aka “The Ultimate Canadian Triathlon” (Skate - Run - Drink), is an annual charity race held in Ottawa on the world's largest skating rink; the Rideau Canal. The three legs of the race are SKATE, RUN, DRINK!
Skate: 6 - 7.8km along the Rideau Canal (depending on open sections of the Canal)
Run: 1km through the streets of the Byward Market
Drink: the race ends with a celebration of our great Canadian winters at The Aulde Dubliner and Pour House.
The 36th Annual Carleton Cup is being held on Saturday, January 27th, 2024. Register in advance to ensure your spot!
Onsite registration is from 5pm to 7pm on race day (subject to availability).
Tickets: $25 (Early Bird - available until noon on race day or until sold out)
$35 (Day of event, if available)
Cystic Fibrosis Canada
Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease affecting Canadian children and young adults. It is a multi-system disease that mainly affects the lungs and the digestive system. There is no cure.
Please, visit the website by clicking on the Cystic Fibrosis Canada logo for more information!

How We Started
The Carleton Cup is a triathlon (the legs being Skate*Run*Drink) that has been held annually in Ottawa, Canada, since 1989. The race was originally conceived as a way to make winter a little more tolerable for Carleton University students. Since then, it has grown to become an event that attracts participants from all over North America. "The Ultimate Canadian Triathlon" has become, for many, a celebration of Canada itself; a self-conscious recognition of how resourceful Canadians can be in overcoming the adversity that our climate presents us with. It's just too damn cold to argue about national unity in the middle of a Canadian winter, when the only things that really seem to matter are hockey and keeping warm. The cold weather binds us together, and the Carleton Cup has always been about forgetting one's differences and coming together in the name of sport and good cheer.
Included in your registration fee is a complimentary beverage by one of the fine folks below. Come and see what they have in store for the evening!